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Video from 5/19 IP Transition event
Missed our IP Transition event yesterday, or want to see it again? Check out the full event video on C-SPAN’s website, or look out for...
IP Transition Luncheon Briefing on Monday, May 19
Click here to view our makeshift livestream on Youtube. (Unfortunately, C-SPAN’s livestream is not functioning due to technical issues, though their recording will be available on...
Event Video: Next Steps in Promoting the Values of the IP Transition
Telephone companies want to upgrade to Internet Protocol (IP), saving billions that can be invested in faster broadband service. Now that the FCC has approved...
Is the FCC stalling on the IP Transition to coerce concessions from telcos?
The companies that own the old copper telephone networks are chomping at the bit to transition to Internet Protocol so they can carry not only...
FCC Anxiously Puts One Toe Halfway in Tepid Water with IP Transition “Trials”
Today, the FCC asked for comments on initial trials for a transition from outdated switched telephone networks to Internet-based (IP) alternatives. Instead of studying the...