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Competition, Not Price Controls, Is the Key to Prison Payphone Justice

July 10, 2013

Today, the Federal Communications Commission is holding a workshop on prison payphone rates . In December, the FCC issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeking...

Companies Have First Amendment Right to Publish FISA Surveillance Statistics, Argues Brief

July 9, 2013

Yesterday, TechFreedom joined four leading civil liberties groups in an amicus brief before the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) arguing that companies have a...

CDA Section 230 & Immunity for Online Intermediaries

July 3, 2013

Print Version Under current law, when an Internet user distributes unlawful content on a third-party website, that website is generally immune from liability for the...

COPPA: Past, Present & Future of Children’s Privacy & Media

July 1, 2013

July 8, 2013 – 12:00pm to 2:45pm   You can watch C-SPAN’s live stream of the event on their website or watch the videos on...

TechMemo: Freeing Government Spectrum

June 26, 2013

Background Rising demand for data from users of mobile phones, tablets, PCs and other devices is leading to a spectrum crunch . Global mobile data...

Coalition Demands Privacy Safeguards for Senate Cybersecurity Bill

June 25, 2013

TechFreedom has partnered with 37 companies and civil liberties organizations to send a letter to US Senators, urging them to protect Americans’ privacy when drafting...