Recent Posts

#111: FDA Cracks Down on E-Cigs

August 9, 2016

Is the FDA putting e-cigs and vapor products out of business? Yesterday, the FDA’s “Deeming Rules” took effect. The rules will force e-cig manufacturers to...

#110: TechFreedom Appeals FCC Power Grab

August 4, 2016

What’s next in the litigation over Title II and the FCC’s “net neutrality” rules? In June, the FCC scored a victory when the D.C. Circuit...

#109: Small Business and the Internet

August 1, 2016

While most people associate the structure of the Internet with major companies like AT&T and Comcast, the reality is that small and medium-sized business play...

#108: Microsoft Beats Justice Department in Ireland

July 27, 2016

Can a US warrant compel Microsoft to give the Justice Department customer data stored in Ireland? The Obama administration thought so, but last week, the...

#107: Digital Free Speech (w/ FEC Commissioner Lee Goodman)

July 25, 2016

Political speech has flourished on the Internet, thanks in large part to the First Amendment and a lack of regulation from the Federal Elections Commission...

#106: GOP Tech Platform: The Good, Bad, the Vague

July 22, 2016

While Trump hasn’t said much specifically about tech policy, the GOP platform does, believe it or not, have a tech section. There’s plenty to like, plenty to...