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Authority to Regulate Political Speech Should Remain Limited

January 10, 2023

Yesterday, TechFreedom filed comments to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) on its proposal to “modernize” the agency’s campaign finance regulations by subjecting any online political...

FEC Should Encourage User-Friendly Political Ad Disclosures

May 31, 2018

WASHINGTON D.C. —­­ On Friday, TechFreedom filed comments with the Federal Election Commission regarding what kind of labeling the Commission should require for online political...

#116: Digital Free Speech Part 2 with FEC Commissioner Lee Goodman

August 19, 2016

The Federal Election Commission has long taken a light-touch approach to regulating online speech. But two recent cases involving livestreaming and filming political debate resulted...

#107: Digital Free Speech (w/ FEC Commissioner Lee Goodman)

July 25, 2016

Political speech has flourished on the Internet, thanks in large part to the First Amendment and a lack of regulation from the Federal Elections Commission...