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Huge Privacy Win: Warrants Now Required for Searching Arrestees’ Mobile Phones

June 26, 2014

A victory for the smartphone-toting arrestee, and commonsense. Police almost always have to get a warrant before intruding into our private spaces. That’s because courts...

Garcia court’s indecent manipulation of copyright to censor speech.

March 2, 2014

Some things are just indecent. Some might be so indecent that we want judges to use the law to prevent the harm, outrage, and disgust...

What’s So Bad About ECPA?

December 2, 2013

ECPA is the law that is supposed to protect your digital data from unreasonable search. What’s wrong with it? Tons. What does that mean? Your...

Google Transparency Report Reveals More Demands for Data, Less Judicial Oversight

November 15, 2013

Yesterday, Google released its Transparency Report confirming what we already assumed: the government is demanding more personal data and using fewer formal requests. Since 2009, requests for Google...