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Net Neutrality Debate Loses Focus: Title II Would Kill Broadband Competition
Behind the push for net neutrality lies an understandable frustration that there isn’t more broadband competition. Unfortunately, the net neutrality movement has been captured by...
More Regulation Doesn’t Help the Little Guy: TF’s Geoff Manne in WSJ
For decades, the Internet has empowered entrepreneurs to turn bright ideas into billion-dollar enterprises. Google, Facebook, and countless others were once scrappy startups whose growth...
ICYMI: Listen to “The Bipartisan Consensus Against Title II”
For decades, a bipartisan consensus has understood that applying Title II of the 1934 Communications Act to the Internet would choke the investment needed for...
The Bipartisan Consensus Against Title II
Today’s videoconference will be broadcast live here on Google+ and here on Youtube at 1:30 pm ET (10:30 am PT). You can submit questions to the panel via Twitter using the hashtag #NoTitleII. A vocal fringe...
Coalition Warns FCC Chairman about FCC’s Increasing Politicization
In a letter sent today to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler, a coalition of groups expressed concerns over the agency’s loss of objectivity and...
Title II Isn’t the Answer on Net Neutrality
TechFreedom and ICLE Urge FCC to Maintain Bipartisan Consensus Against Title II In reply comments on the FCC’s proposed Internet rules, TechFreedom and the International...