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Next-Gen DSL Shatters “Cable Monopoly” Myth
FCC Should Reject Static Assumptions Behind Opposition to Comcast-Time Warner Cable Merger Today, TechFreedom filed reply comments on the petitions of Public Knowledge et al...
FCC Chairman Invokes Nuclear Option, Bypasses Commissioners on Key Decisions
Yesterday, the FCC’s Wireless Telecommunications Bureau issued a new Wireless Competition Report and a Declaratory Ruling that effectively amends the FCC’s 2011 Data Roaming Order....
Jeff Pulver: Say No to Title II, Allow Innovation to Flourish
VoIP (Voice over IP) pioneer Jeff Pulver understands, as well as anyone, that the heavy hand of government can stifle innovation, investment, and disruption. He...
The Tax-and-Spend FCC: Today E-Rate, Tomorrow Title II?
WASHINGTON D.C. — FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler today proposed a plan that would increase the size of E-Rate subsidies for broadband for schools and libraries...
Obama Cynically Exploits Confusion over Title II, Misses Opportunity to Lead on Legislative Deal
WASHINGTON D.C. — This morning, President Obama called on the FCC to “reclassify” broadband under Title II of the Communications Act so it can ban...
Tech Policy Offers Republicans Best Opportunity to Lead
WASHINGTON D.C. — Celebrating yesterday’s Republican victories, presumptive Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell declared, “Just because we have a two-party system doesn’t mean we have...