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Could Title II Mean the End of Free Mobile Offerings?

April 14, 2015

Today, NCTA, CTIA, and ACA filed lawsuits against the FCC’s Open Internet Order, which was published in the Federal Register yesterday. The rules will go...

Urge Congress to End Mass Surveillance Under the Patriot Act

April 8, 2015

Today, TechFreedom joined a coalition of privacy advocates to launch, which lets Americans urge their representatives in Congress to end the NSA’s unconstitutional mass...

Lawyer Up! Net Neutrality In Court for the Third Time

March 24, 2015

Today, Alamo Broadband, Inc. and USTelecom each sued (in two separate federal appeals courts) to block the FCC from enforcing its February order, which reclassified...

The FCC’s Other Absurd Power Grab

March 13, 2015

Muni Broadband Preemption is Illegal, Counter-Productive   Overshadowed by the unveiling of net neutrality rules yesterday, the FCC also released its Order on municipal broadband...

The FCC is Illegally Rewriting the Communications Act

March 12, 2015

Today, the Federal Communications Commission released new net neutrality rules in a 400-page order that prompted lengthy, detailed dissents from Commissioners Pai and O’Rielly. “This...

Free Market Groups to FCC: Don’t Strangle Online Video with Cable Rules

March 5, 2015

WASHINGTON D.C. — Should the FCC regulate emerging online television distributors the same way it regulates cable and other multichannel video programming distributors (MVPDs)? No,...