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The FCC is Illegally Rewriting the Communications Act
Today, the Federal Communications Commission released new net neutrality rules in a 400-page order that prompted lengthy, detailed dissents from Commissioners Pai and O’Rielly. “This...
More Regulation Doesn’t Help the Little Guy: TF’s Geoff Manne in WSJ
For decades, the Internet has empowered entrepreneurs to turn bright ideas into billion-dollar enterprises. Google, Facebook, and countless others were once scrappy startups whose growth...
Let’s Not Make Fiber the Concorde of the Internet, We Tell the FCC
The Fiber to the Home Council recently asked the Federal Communications Commission to create a $150 million/year program to subsidize construction of 1 Gbps fiber...
A Guide to Today’s Net Neutrality Oral Arguments
We’ll be delving into today’s oral arguments at our live-streamed TechFreedom/ICLE event at 12:30 EDT — and tweeting on the #NetNeutrality hashtag. But here are a few thoughts...
Real Lawyers Read the Footnotes, but Cite Them only when Relevant: A Response to Harold Feld on the FCC SpectrumCo Order
“Real lawyers read the footnotes!”—thus did Harold Feld chastise Geoff and Berin in a recent blog post about our CNET piece on the Verizon/SpectrumCo transaction....