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CISPA Shouldn’t Infringe on Freedom of Contract
In spirit, CISPA aims to clear the thicket of restrictions firms face when they try to share data about online attacks. In practice, as TechFreedom’s...
CISPA Renders Online Privacy Agreements Meaningless, But Sponsor Sees No Reason To Fix That
As we have been arguing time and again , CISPA bars companies from making enforceable promises to their users about how they might share users’...
We Talk President Obama’s Cybersecurity Order on RT
President Obama recently issued an executive order aimed at increasing cybersecurity by sharing information between government and private companies. TF President Berin Szoka appears on...
TechFreedom Op-Ed Counters Claim that Cable Makes 97% Profit Margin
Last week, the MIT Technology Review’s David Talbot claimed that “cable distribution giants like Time Warner Cable and Comcast are already making a 97 percent...
FCC Authority Questioned In Wake of Verizon Deal Approval
“There’s a common misperception that the FCC somehow gets to review all deals in the communications industry,” said TechFreedom’s Berin Szoka in an interview with...
The Ugly Truth Behind the FCC’s Verizon Spectrum Approval
TechFreedom’s Berin Szoka and the International Center for Law & Economics ’ Geoffrey Manne recently penned an op-ed for CNET detailing some of the problems...