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Transparency rule would be unprecedented, middle ground possible: Berin Szoka in Comm Daily
The latest punches in the fight over Net Neutrality regulations have been between Netflix and Verizon — the video streaming giant claims Verizon’s network is...
Reclassification would be long, messy process: Berin Szoka in CIO
The Net Neutrality debate has included many calls for reclassifying broadband as a Title II public utility like our nation’s telephone network, which would regulate...
TF’s Berin Szoka debates Net Neutrality on
The nation is paying close attention to FCC Chairman Wheeler’s proposed Net Neutrality regulations — which would ban a wide range of behaviors such as...
Congress, not FCC, should Decide Future of Internet Regulation
Today, the Federal Communications Commission voted to issue a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeking comment on new Net Neutrality rules to replace those struck down...
If Government Gets Out of the Way, Broadband Innovation Will Flow: Berin Szoka in WSJ
As the debate over FCC Chairman Wheeler’s Net neutrality proposal rages on, the Wall Street Journal asked two tech policy experts whether broadband should be...
IP Transition Luncheon Briefing on Monday, May 19
Click here to view our makeshift livestream on Youtube. (Unfortunately, C-SPAN’s livestream is not functioning due to technical issues, though their recording will be available on...