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Title II: Don’t Do It!, Civil Rights Groups, TechFreedom & Others Tell FCC

November 25, 2014

Lost in the noise over net neutrality are many key questions about whether Title II will make consumers better off or how it will affect...

The Great Net Neutrality Debate: Should the FCC Ban Paid Prioritization?

November 19, 2014

WASHINGTON D.C. — Everyone wants a “free and open Internet.” But for a decade, a debate has raged over what, exactly, this means. There’s broad...

Title II Would Harm Minority Communities: Berin Szoka in the Washington Post

November 19, 2014

President Obama and Title II advocates often cite concerns over free speech and income inequality when pushing for heavy-handed government regulation of the Internet. And...

The Title II Bait-and-Switch: Berin Szoka on the Ross Kaminsky Show

November 19, 2014

Many net neutrality advocates want the government to reclassify the Internet as a public utility to prevent Internet companies from blocking and prioritizing certain content....

Republicans Must Take the Lead on Net Neutrality, and it Starts with Legislation: Berin Szoka in National Journal

November 13, 2014

Ever since he began his first campaign for president, Obama has touted his strong support for “net neutrality.” But until Monday, he hadn’t articulated what exactly that meant...

The Oatmeal is Dead Wrong on Net Neutrality: Berin Szoka on the Cato Daily Podcast

November 13, 2014

Obama recently recently broke his conspicuous silence on net neutrality, declaring his support for heavy-handed Internet regulation under Title II of the Communications Act. Shortly...