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The Tax-and-Spend FCC: Today E-Rate, Tomorrow Title II?

November 17, 2014

WASHINGTON D.C. — FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler today proposed a plan that would increase the size of E-Rate subsidies for broadband for schools and libraries...

Republicans Must Take the Lead on Net Neutrality, and it Starts with Legislation: Berin Szoka in National Journal

November 13, 2014

Ever since he began his first campaign for president, Obama has touted his strong support for “net neutrality.” But until Monday, he hadn’t articulated what exactly that meant...

There’s No Middle Ground on Title II

October 31, 2014

Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal reported that FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler is preparing a “hybrid” legal basis for new net neutrality rules: The FCC would...

Net Neutrality Debate Loses Focus: Title II Would Kill Broadband Competition

October 23, 2014

Behind the push for net neutrality lies an understandable frustration that there isn’t more broadband competition. Unfortunately, the net neutrality movement has been captured by...

More Regulation Doesn’t Help the Little Guy: TF’s Geoff Manne in WSJ

October 20, 2014

For decades, the Internet has empowered entrepreneurs to turn bright ideas into billion-dollar enterprises. Google, Facebook, and countless others were once scrappy startups whose growth...

A Third Way on Muni Broadband

September 30, 2014

Governments Must Remove Barriers to Private Broadband Deployment TechFreedom and the International Center for Law & Economics (ICLE) have proposed a “third way” on muni...