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#27: Connecting the Rez: Broadband on Tribal Lands

February 22, 2016

While the US has enjoyed well over $1 trillion in broadband investment since the mid-90s, connecting Native American reservations to the Internet has proven difficult....

FCC Cynically Downplaying Broadband Deployment to Justify Regulatory Powergrabs

January 29, 2015

WASHINGTON D.C. — Today, for the fourth time since 2010, the FCC voted to issue an annual Broadband Deployment Report claiming that U.S. broadband deployment...

Jeff Pulver: Say No to Title II, Allow Innovation to Flourish

December 2, 2014

VoIP (Voice over IP) pioneer Jeff Pulver understands,  as well as anyone, that the heavy hand of government can stifle innovation, investment, and disruption. He...

Title II: Don’t Do It!, Civil Rights Groups, TechFreedom & Others Tell FCC

November 25, 2014

Lost in the noise over net neutrality are many key questions about whether Title II will make consumers better off or how it will affect...

Not all Internet Traffic is Created Equal

November 20, 2014

The Oatmeal, in its recent post on net neutrality, disseminates a common misconception, saying “The Internet … was founded on one principle: all information must...

The Great Net Neutrality Debate: Should the FCC Ban Paid Prioritization?

November 19, 2014

WASHINGTON D.C. — Everyone wants a “free and open Internet.” But for a decade, a debate has raged over what, exactly, this means. There’s broad...