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Let’s Not Make Fiber the Concorde of the Internet, We Tell the FCC

September 30, 2013

The Fiber to the Home Council recently asked the Federal Communications Commission to create a $150 million/year program to subsidize construction of 1 Gbps fiber...

Hey, FTC, Whatsathamattawitchew? Focus on identity theft, already!

September 25, 2013

The FTC’s raison d’etre is the prevention of consumer harm. The FTC Act prohibits unfair or deceptive acts and practices. Both proscriptions are grounded in...

More fuzzy thinking about the magical power of broadband

September 25, 2013

We’re all in favor of faster broadband and of removing regulatory barriers at the Federal, state and local level that make it difficult for new...

Regulators cannot resist loving the Internet to death

September 25, 2013

This law also reminds us regulators cannot resist loving the Internet to death. California alone considered an astounding 215 bills containing the word “Internet” this legislative...

Arguments set in Wyndham for 11/7: Will the FTC lose on data security?

September 24, 2013

Over the last nine years, the FTC has brought four dozen enforcement actions alleging that a failure to have reasonable data security was unfair and/or deceptive. Last...

NYTimes: deregulation = “help from the government”

September 23, 2013

Entrepreneurs looking to the crowd to finance their big ideas just got a little extra help from the government. What’s this? A new federal subsidy?...