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Our Verizon v. FCC Amicus Brief Mentioned in PCWorld

September 5, 2013

The Free State Foundation, free market think tank TechFreedom and other critics of the net neutrality rules argue in their brief that the U.S. government could police...

What to Do about Data Security? A Discussion of the FTC’s LabMD & Wyndham Cases

September 4, 2013

Over the last decade, the Federal Trade Commission has settled nearly four dozen cases alleging that a failure to have “reasonable” data security constitutes an...

Cameron Kerry Responds to NSA Concerns, Outlines Baseline Privacy Legislation

August 28, 2013

Cameron Kerry today blasted E.U. efforts to start a digital trade war using European outrage at NSA surveillance as a pretext.  In a speech given given today at...

Help Our Panels Get Picked for SXSW 2014!

August 27, 2013

We’ve submitted two panel proposals for SXSW 2014, but we need your help to make them happen! To choose who actually gets to present their...

Four TechFreedom Events in September: Net Neutrality, FTCat99, OpenGov & LGBTTech

August 23, 2013

We’ve been busy at TechFreedom.  We just launched our new website on Tumblr and have been rocking the social media world on Facebook (5,272 fans)...

Regulation is “the way we make innovation happen in America”

August 23, 2013

Said no one ever — except for Susan Crawford on NPR: Crawford: Well, just to respond to Adam, 83 percent of Americans who have a...