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New Net Neutrality Bill Wouldn’t Close Pandora’s Box of Regulation: Berin Szoka in Watchdog

February 4, 2014

Following the Open Internet Order’s defeat before the DC Circuit Court, some members of Congress have introduced a new bill to “temporarily” bring back the...

Unnecessary Net Neutrality Bill Fails to Address Real Threat to Open Internet: Section 706

February 3, 2014

Today, Sen. Markey and Reps. Waxman and Eshoo introduced the Open Internet Preservation Act of 2014, a bill that would reinstate the Federal Communications Commission’s...

TechFreedom responds to FCC’s post-Open Internet Order plans in Bloomberg BNA

January 31, 2014

Since the DC Circuit Court threw out most of the FCC’s Open Internet Order earlier this month, the agency is now considering creating “general concept...

Feds Allow More Transparency on FISA Surveillance but Don’t Go Far Enough

January 27, 2014

Today, the Department of Justice announced that it has reached an agreement with Google and Microsoft to allow them and other tech companies to report,...

It’s Time for Space Property Rights: Berin Szoka in SpaceNews

January 27, 2014

Recent years have seen tremendous growth in the private space industry, with companies like Orbital Sciences Corporation and SpaceX shipping supplies to the International Space Station. But...

Net Neutrality Ruling Put Future of Internet into Hands of FCC and Congress: Jon Henke in Fox News

January 27, 2014

This month, the DC Circuit Court struck down most of the FCC’s Open Internet Order. TechFreedom recognized that the agency may have lost the battle,...