Recent Posts

#121: An Uber Bailout For Taxis

September 1, 2016

It’s no secret that ride-sharing companies like Uber and Lyft have disrupted the taxi industry. While many cities have embraced the fierce competition, others have...

#120: From 4G to 5G

August 31, 2016

The wireless industry is gearing up for 5G, the next generation of networks. And don’t let the numbers fool you — 5G speeds are going...

#119: FCC Loses on Government Broadband

August 26, 2016

When government-run broadband networks in Chattanooga, TN and Wilson, NC sought to expand beyond their cities’ boundaries, they ran into state restrictions. The cities asked...

#118: Subsidizing Uber

August 25, 2016

When we talk about Uber and ride-sharing on this show, it’s usually about regulatory battles. Today, we’re not talking about restricting or banning Uber —...

#117: FBI Spying on Journalists

August 22, 2016

What happens when the FBI wants to spy on journalists? This summer, The Intercept obtained classified rules revealing a largely unrestrained procedure for obtaining journalists’ call information using national...

#116: Digital Free Speech Part 2 with FEC Commissioner Lee Goodman

August 19, 2016

The Federal Election Commission has long taken a light-touch approach to regulating online speech. But two recent cases involving livestreaming and filming political debate resulted...