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Geoffrey Manne in RedState: How Free is the Wireless Spectrum Market?

October 18, 2013

With spectrum auctions set to begin early next year, TF’s Geoffrey Manne has a guest article in RedState examining the debate over how and whether...

DC v. SF: A Clash of Visions for Tech Policy

October 18, 2013

How do DC and SF think about the future? Are their visions of how to promote, and adapt to, technological change compatible? Or are America’s...

The real fight in Washington: Can we plan a better future?

October 11, 2013

George Will nailed it in this 2012 column: America now is divided between those who find this social churning unnerving and those who find it...

The humility Hayek urged would serve tech policymakers well

October 9, 2013

Humility about our ability to plan or steer the future from the top down should be the chief virtue of tech regulators. We’re fond of...

Code Words in Tech Policy & the Politicians Who Use Them

October 7, 2013

Senator Rockefeller has detected code words from Republican FCC nominee Michael O’Rielly. When O’Rielly reiterated that he advocated a “flexible” and a “light hand” on regulation, Rockefeller...

Video: FTC Commissioner Ohlhausen on Protecting Consumers in the Digital Age

October 4, 2013

Before her stint as Federal Trade Commissioner, Maureen Ohlhausen oversaw the FTC’s Office of Policy Planning and helped to author the 2007 “FTC at 100”...