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House Bill Makes Key Surveillance Reforms but Leaves Backdoor Open for Americans’ Communications

October 5, 2017

Today, a discussion draft of major legislation was introduced to protect American citizens whose data is gathered inadvertently under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence...

CA Broadband Privacy Bill Would Needlessly Fracture Consumer Protection

September 15, 2017

WASHINGTON D.C. — Today, the California legislature is expected to vote on a bill that would enact the same privacy regulations on Internet service providers...

Judge Orders Dreamhost to Turn Over Entire Domain of Anti-Trump Website

September 15, 2017

Despite “Efforts” to Minimize Chilling Effect, DoJ’s Warrant Remains Hugely Problematic by Graham Owens If you’ve spoken out against Trump — or if you spoke...

#195: Textalyzer

September 13, 2017

When it comes to tech policy, New York seems to lead the way in… interesting ideas. The government has an important role in making sure...

#192: Cyber Digest

August 25, 2017

It seems like every week there are more headlines about cyber attacks. Should you be worried about the next Petya or WannaCry? What can we do to...

Let TechFreedom Take You Back to the Future

August 11, 2017

Recently, TechFreedom hosted our first ever policy summit, “Back to the Future of Policy,” to answer the question: How should the laws of yesterday adapt...