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Statement of Concern about Expansion of CALEA Has Broad Support

February 14, 2011

A Statement of Concern about Expansion of CALEA (embedded below) has been issued with the support of a wide range of industry groups and public-interest advocates. (CALEA...

Rep. Speier’s “Do Not Track” Privacy Legislation

February 11, 2011

Rep. Jackie Speier introduced legislation today that would require the Federal Trade Commission to establish standards for a “Do Not Track” mechanism and require online data...

At Game::Business::Law 2011 – Livetweeting & Talking About Privacy

January 26, 2011

Hosted by SMU’s Guildhall video game law graduate program, Game::Business::Law is the leading conference in the field. Follow the discussion on the #GBL2011 hashtag. Here’s the make-up of my...