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A Bold Proposal: Congress Must Establish a Commission to Audit America’s Privacy Laws

August 6, 2014

TechFreedom and ICLE File Joint Comments on the NTIA’s Inquiry into Big Data Yesterday, TechFreedom and the International Center for Law & Economics (ICLE) filed...

Bipartisan Senate Duo Presses Obama to Revitalize USA Freedom Act

July 2, 2014

The gutted version of the USA Freedom Act that passed the House would fail to bring transparency to the federal government’s surveillance activities. That is, unless, the...

We tell President Obama: Stand Against Spying

June 30, 2014

The NSA’s bulk collection and retention of telephone records and Internet communications is unconstitutional and a violation of international law. While Congress has an important...

Huge Privacy Win: Warrants Now Required for Searching Arrestees’ Mobile Phones

June 26, 2014

A victory for the smartphone-toting arrestee, and commonsense. Police almost always have to get a warrant before intruding into our private spaces. That’s because courts...

Tell Congress to Protect your Data from Warrantless Searches

June 25, 2014

Police and other law enforcement can conduct warrantless searches of Americans’ emails, cloud storage, and other digital effects, because our law is outdated. Lawmakers wrote...

House Passes Lofgren-Massie Amendment to Help Rein in NSA

June 20, 2014

The NSA collects emails and browsing and chat histories of Americans and searches the information without a warrant under Section 702 of the FISA Amendments...