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Serious Cost-Benefit Analysis on Privacy

January 26, 2015

Cost-benefit analysis is supposed to be at the heart of the FTC’s unfairness powers. But the FTC doesn’t really bother with CBA in privacy cases,...

How Long Should Americans Wait for Clarity on Digital Privacy?

January 14, 2015

President Obama doesn’t want to talk about surveillance—and is once again trying to change the subject to regulating the companies that have made the Internet...

Congress Should Lead the Way on #NSAOversight

December 18, 2014

Congress is charged with authorizing, funding, and overseeing intelligence programs, including mass surveillance by the NSA. In recent years, however, the House of Representatives hasn’t...

TechFreedomTV #4: “Will 2015 be a New Year for Privacy?”

December 9, 2014

In the post-Snowden world, Americans are becoming more wary of how government agencies and law enforcement use their data. As our laws become more antiquated,...

Congress Must Protect Our Data From Warrantless Searches

September 17, 2014

Have the Internet and the way we store data changed since 1986? Of course they have, but our laws haven’t kept pace with technological advancement,...

Chinese Government OS Will Further Enable Suppression: Berin Szoka in the E-Commerce Times

August 26, 2014

The Chinese government is developing an operating system to supplant those of Google and Microsoft in the authoritarian nation, according to the state-controlled Xinhua news...