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Free Market Groups to McConnell: Don’t Fast-Track the Patriot Act

April 27, 2015

Today, a coalition of free market groups sent a letter to Senate leadership expressing strong opposition to the Senate’s latest attempt to fast-track a reauthorization...

McConnell’s 215 Reauthorization Does Nothing to Protect Americans’ Privacy

April 22, 2015

Last night, Senator Mitch McConnell introduced a bill to reauthorize Section 215 of the Patriot Act through 2020 without ending blanket surveillance of innocent Americans....

Fix Cyber Information Sharing Bill, Free Market Groups Urge

April 17, 2015

WASHINGTON D.C. — A coalition of free-market groups issued an open letter to Members of Congress, urging them to consider amendments to the National Cybersecurity...

Groups push to end NSA spying before June: Berin Szoka in Watchdog

April 14, 2015

The National Security Agency’s (NSA’s) surveillance issues are forefront in tech policy news. Former NSA contractor Edward Snowden’s leak of documents took the country by...

Urge Congress to End Mass Surveillance Under the Patriot Act

April 8, 2015

Today, TechFreedom joined a coalition of privacy advocates to launch, which lets Americans urge their representatives in Congress to end the NSA’s unconstitutional mass...

Coalition to California: Protect Online Privacy

February 9, 2015

What did the Internet look like in 1986? Maybe a tough question. But we can safely assume that it looked nothing like it does today....