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Rick Perry Supports States Rights — Except to Legalize Internet Gambling
Rick Perry has always claimed to be a supporter of states’ rights, federalism, the Tenth Amendment, etc. Yet he wants the federal government to bar...
Video from 5/19 IP Transition event
Missed our IP Transition event yesterday, or want to see it again? Check out the full event video on C-SPAN’s website, or look out for...
IP Transition Luncheon Briefing on Monday, May 19
Click here to view our makeshift livestream on Youtube. (Unfortunately, C-SPAN’s livestream is not functioning due to technical issues, though their recording will be available on...
BIG BANG! Explosive Disruptors and the Innovative Age
Next week, Larry Downes, one of our biggest influences and author of Big Bang Disruption, will join his co-author Paul Nunes for a talk about...
Is the FCC stalling on the IP Transition to coerce concessions from telcos?
The companies that own the old copper telephone networks are chomping at the bit to transition to Internet Protocol so they can carry not only...
Defend Uber! The FTC Jumps Into the Fray — On the Side of Disruptive Competition
FTC Commissioner Josh Wright, a former TechFreedom Adjunct Fellow, blasted the D.C. Taxicab Commission’s proposal to protect the taxi oligopoly from Uber, Lyft, Hailo and...