About TechFreedom

Since our founding in 2010, TechFreedom has become the premier technology policy think tank dedicated to free markets, free speech and civil liberties. We reject the pessimism that drives one technopanic after another across tech policy debates — as well the technocratic impulse to try to engineer a better future from the top down. Through our work across a wide range of issues — from broadband to drones, from surveillance to consumer protection, from Internet law to the sharing economy — we have established a strong brand: principled, independent and uniquely able to build coalitions across partisan and ideological lines.


Interns will have the opportunity to work on a wide range of technology-related legal issues, such as privacy, data security, net neutrality, FTC reform, Internet regulations, free speech, and regulation of commercial outer space activities. Interns will research and track pending legislation and court cases impacting technology policy, attend Hill briefings and hearings, research key legal and policy issues, and contribute to, review, fact-check, and Bluebook white papers, legal briefs, regulatory comments, press releases, and more.

Responsibilities & Qualifications

Intern responsibilities include:

  • Tracking technology-related court cases and legislation and assisting with writing and submitting regulatory comments and amicus briefs
  • Researching, providing support for, and writing op-eds, memoranda, and papers on current legal issues related to technology
  • Crafting citations and footnotes in accordance with the Bluebook Uniform System of Citation
  • Attending Capitol Hill hearings, speaker events, and panels to take notes, cover via social media, and connect with the technology law community

The following experience and qualifications are particularly relevant:

  • Journal or law review membership
  • Antitrust or Competition Law, Communications Law, Administrative Law, Constitutional Law, Privacy Law, Statutory Interpretation
  • Internships or work experience with the Federal Trade Commission, Federal Communications Commission, or a regulatory agency involved with the tech industry
  • Congressional or legislative experience
  • Judicial clerkships or law firm experience


We’re currently hiring interns for summer and fall 2022. The internship is remote, and the time commitment is flexible. We pay $20/hour. Students interested in the internship should email Andy Jung <ajung@techfreedom.org> and include their resume, cover letter, transcript (unofficial is OK), and at least two legal writing samples.
