We’re excited to announce the third installment of our “Tech in the Courts” virtual webinar series—presented collaboratively by TechFreedom and Washington Legal Foundation. This panel will focus on the intersection of online child protection measures and First Amendment rights, particularly emphasizing age verification policies. The event is on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. ET.

Numerous federal and state-level proposals have been introduced to protect children online, but many of these well-intentioned measures raise significant First Amendment concerns when it comes to age verification. How can we reconcile the pressing need to safeguard children with our essential right to free speech? What are the real-world effects of proposed age-verification measures? How havethe courts ruled on such issues, and how will they rule in the future? Our panel of experts tackle these questions and more:

  • Ari Cohn, Free Speech Counsel, TechFreedom
  • Vera Eidelman, Staff Attorney, Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project, ACLU
  • David Greene, Senior Staff Attorney and Civil Liberties Director, Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)
  • Kate Ruane, Director, Free Expression Project, Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT)

For more details and to register, visit www.techfreedom.org/event-series-age-verification


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About TechFreedom:TechFreedom is a nonprofit, nonpartisan technology policy think tank. We work to chart a path forward for policymakers towards a bright future where technology enhances freedom, and freedom enhances technology.
