TechFreedom today announced the launch of the Tech Policy Podcast, a new venture from the Washington, D.C.-based think tank that will feature interviews about current policy issues with experts in technology policy. Episodes will include not only experts from TechFreedom, but other policy organizations, academic institutions, and tech companies.

“TechFreedom turns five next week, and to celebrate, we’re offering a new way to follow what’s happening in tech policy, while also getting up to speed on the basics,” said Berin Szoka, Founder and President of TechFreedom. “We aim to make each episode accessible to everyone, while also offering enough analysis to keep real wonks engaged. So whether you work in tech or just want to learn more, this is the show for you.”

TechFreedom will produce episodes regularly, and each episode will run approximately 10 to 20 minutes. The Tech Policy Podcast’s first episode introduces TechFreedom and the podcast. The second episode previews tonight’s State of the Union address. Tomorrow’s will discuss what President Obama actually said.

Listeners can subscribe to the Tech Policy Podcast here.

You’ll be able to find it on iTunes or through your favorite podcast app shortly.

Some highlights from Episode #2:

  • We need some leadership from this President—FINALLY—on the privacy issue: … email privacy protections, making sure there’s better oversight and transparency about the U.S. government’s use of data, all those things need to start now.” – Berin Szoka, President of TechFreedom
  • “Any time we start talking about regulating the Internet—for good purposes included—we need to make sure that we do that in the narrowest way possible, and that we don’t open the door … for that discretion that’s being given to government to be abused.” – Szoka
  • Big companies might not like regulation, but they’re in the best place to be able to deal with it. It’s the small companies—the people who want to compete with Uber—are the people who are really going to be the victims of an outdated business model.” – Evan Swarztrauber, Communications Director at TechFreedom


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