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FCC Authority Questioned In Wake of Verizon Deal Approval
“There’s a common misperception that the FCC somehow gets to review all deals in the communications industry,” said TechFreedom’s Berin Szoka in an interview with...
The Ugly Truth Behind the FCC’s Verizon Spectrum Approval
TechFreedom’s Berin Szoka and the International Center for Law & Economics ’ Geoffrey Manne recently penned an op-ed for CNET detailing some of the problems...
FCC Approves Verizon/SpectrumCo Deal but Sets Dangerous Precedent for Future Deals
Today, the Federal Communications Commission approved with conditions Verizon’s purchase of currently unused spectrum from cable companies, along with Verizon’s sale of other spectrum to...
DOJ Approves Verizon/SpectrumCo Deal, Yet Sets Dangerous Precedent for Deal Conditions
Today, the Department of Justice approved Verizon’s purchase of radio spectrum from cable companies that had considered using it to build their own wireless network...
TechFreedom Joins Coalition Letter Urging Approval of SpectrumCo Deal
Late last week, TechFreedom President Berin Szoka signed onto a coalition letter [ pdf ] with 14 other free-market organizations, including the Competitive Enterprise Institute, the...
Antitrust Groundhog Day, Starring Senator Kohl
Today, Geoffrey Manne , Executive Director of the International Center for Law & Economics, TechFreedom Senior Adjunct Fellow, and Lecturer in Law at Lewis &...