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Comcast-TWC Deal Won’t Reduce Competition: Geoff Manne in the Global Post

February 14, 2014

With Comcast seeking to buy Time Warner Cable, making it the biggest provider of television and Internet connections in the country, some have expressed concerns...

New FCC Chairman Should Focus on Bipartisan Goals of National Broadband Plan

October 30, 2013

Last night, the Senate confirmed Tom Wheeler as FCC Chairman and Mike O’Rielly as FCC Commissioner, thus bringing the FCC to full strength. The following...

Geoffrey Manne in RedState: How Free is the Wireless Spectrum Market?

October 18, 2013

With spectrum auctions set to begin early next year, TF’s Geoffrey Manne has a guest article in RedState examining the debate over how and whether...

TechMemo: Freeing Government Spectrum

June 26, 2013

Background Rising demand for data from users of mobile phones, tablets, PCs and other devices is leading to a spectrum crunch . Global mobile data...

TechBriefing: Unlocking Mobile Devices & the DMCA

June 20, 2013

 Print Version What is unlocking? Most phones and tablets sold by U.S. wireless carriers come “locked,” meaning their software prevents the user from enabling the...

The Ten Most Important Questions for Obama’s Nominee to Chair FCC

June 18, 2013

Today, the Senate Commerce Committee will hold a hearing (at 2:30 EDT) on President Obama’s nomination of venture capitalist Tom Wheeler as FCC Chairman (hashtag:...