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Feds Allow More Transparency on FISA Surveillance but Don’t Go Far Enough

January 27, 2014

Today, the Department of Justice announced that it has reached an agreement with Google and Microsoft to allow them and other tech companies to report,...

Google Transparency Report Reveals More Demands for Data, Less Judicial Oversight

November 15, 2013

Yesterday, Google released its Transparency Report confirming what we already assumed: the government is demanding more personal data and using fewer formal requests. Since 2009, requests for Google...

The first rule of FISA Court is “You do not talk about FISA Court”

September 17, 2013

Privacy advocates are furious at today’s report in The Guardian that no telcos ever challenged Foreign Intelligence Surveillance (FISA) orders but they miss the point: classifying legal...

Four TechFreedom Events in September: Net Neutrality, FTCat99, OpenGov & LGBTTech

August 23, 2013

We’ve been busy at TechFreedom.  We just launched our new website on Tumblr and have been rocking the social media world on Facebook (5,272 fans)...

Regulations may not be getting smarter — but the UI is!

August 23, 2013

As you read through the text of regulatory orders on, a ribbon appears next to each paragraph, and expands into this handy pop-up: Among...

Companies Have First Amendment Right to Publish FISA Surveillance Statistics, Argues Brief

July 9, 2013

Yesterday, TechFreedom joined four leading civil liberties groups in an amicus brief before the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) arguing that companies have a...