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The Oatmeal is Dead Wrong on Net Neutrality: Berin Szoka on the Cato Daily Podcast
Obama recently recently broke his conspicuous silence on net neutrality, declaring his support for heavy-handed Internet regulation under Title II of the Communications Act. Shortly...
Obama Cynically Exploits Confusion over Title II, Misses Opportunity to Lead on Legislative Deal
WASHINGTON D.C. — This morning, President Obama called on the FCC to “reclassify” broadband under Title II of the Communications Act so it can ban...
Tech Policy Offers Republicans Best Opportunity to Lead
WASHINGTON D.C. — Celebrating yesterday’s Republican victories, presumptive Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell declared, “Just because we have a two-party system doesn’t mean we have...
TechFreedomTV Episode #1: “Unfinished Business”
Congress has deadlocked for years on a range of tech policy issues. Will the 114th Congress be any different? Might Congress finally pass NSA and...
There’s No Middle Ground on Title II
Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal reported that FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler is preparing a “hybrid” legal basis for new net neutrality rules: The FCC would...
Net Neutrality Debate Loses Focus: Title II Would Kill Broadband Competition
Behind the push for net neutrality lies an understandable frustration that there isn’t more broadband competition. Unfortunately, the net neutrality movement has been captured by...