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Toward a Greater Understanding of Internet Activism through Public Choice, Economics

May 7, 2012

In the lead essay for the “Cato Unbound” symposium this month, I analyze recent political movements that have been aided by Internet-based communication by positing...

Downes & Manne to Participate Today on the Live Webcast “This Week in Law”

April 6, 2012

TechFreedom Senior Adjunct Fellows Larry Downes and Geoffrey Manne appear on today’s live webcast of “ This Week in Law ,“ hosted by Denise Howell...

Courts, not FCC, Should Protect Free Speech against Mobile Service Shut-offs

March 2, 2012

Today, the FCC issued a Notice of Inquiry, responding to an emergency petition filed last August regarding temporary shutdown of mobile services by officers of...

FCC Wants $25 Million for Cell Phone Subsidy Program ‘Fraught with Fraud’

February 13, 2012

TechFreedom’s Larry Downes was quoted in US News & World Report , explaining the problems with Lifeline and a proposed pilot program to extend access...

Complete Overhaul of FCC Lifeline Program Is Not Enough

February 13, 2012

TechFreedom’s Larry Downes explains the problems with the Lifeline program on WebProNews . Although good intentions pushed its genesis, since there was no cap and...

FCC Lifeline Reform a Good Start but Storm Clouds Loom

January 31, 2012

Today, the FCC began the long-overdue process of reforming the Lifeline and Link-Up America programs, which subsidize basic phone service for low-income Americans. The following...