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TechBriefing: Unlocking Mobile Devices & the DMCA

June 20, 2013

 Print Version What is unlocking? Most phones and tablets sold by U.S. wireless carriers come “locked,” meaning their software prevents the user from enabling the...

The Ten Most Important Questions for Obama’s Nominee to Chair FCC

June 18, 2013

Today, the Senate Commerce Committee will hold a hearing (at 2:30 EDT) on President Obama’s nomination of venture capitalist Tom Wheeler as FCC Chairman (hashtag:...

What Should Congress Do about Cell Phone Unlocking?

June 7, 2013

June 17, 2013 – 12:00pm to 1:30pm Should copyright law stop you from unlocking your cell phone? Join TechFreedom and the Competitive Enterprise Institute on...

FCC Anxiously Puts One Toe Halfway in Tepid Water with IP Transition “Trials”

May 10, 2013

Today, the FCC asked for comments on initial trials for a transition from outdated switched telephone networks to Internet-based (IP) alternatives. Instead of studying the...

Humility Should Be Chief Virtue of FCC & FTC Commissioners, Urges Coalition Letter

April 23, 2013

Today, TechFreedom joined a coalition of think tanks, academics and commentators on technology policy in a letter urging the President, Senate Republicans and Senate Democrats...

The FCC Should Protect the Most Truly “Captive Audience” for Telecom Services: Prisoners

March 26, 2013

While the tech policy community debates Susan Crawford’s new book Captive Audience, her plea for sweeping regulation to avert a cable monopoly, a truly “captive...