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Truthout Quotes Us on Net Neutrality

September 11, 2013

…in court, the FCC all but conceded that big internet providers could charge web companies for preferential “fast lanes” to reach consumers at higher speeds....

US News Quotes Us on Net Neutrality Case

September 10, 2013

TF’s Berin Szoka was quoted today in a US News & World Report article on yesterday’s oral arguments in Verizon v. FCC: Tech Freedom, a...

The Washington Post Quotes Us on Verizon v. FCC

September 10, 2013

Many critics like the current classification precisely because it ties the FCC’s hands. Berin Szoka, for example, heads the free-market group TechFreedom. He warns that reclassification would...

How the FCC Will Lose on Net Neutrality

September 10, 2013

Today’s oral argument in the D.C Circuit over the FCC’s Net Neutrality rules suggests that the case — Verizon v. FCC — is likely to...

Net Neutrality at the D.C. Circuit: The FCC’s Last Stand?

September 10, 2013

Today the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals held oral arguments on the FCC’s Open Internet (Net Neutrality) Order in Verizon v. FCC.  The following statement...

The Verge Quotes Us on Verizon v. FCC

September 9, 2013

If the FCC’s regulation is meaningless, why does Verizon care about it? For TechFreedom’s Geoffrey Manne, it’s because net neutrality is a Trojan horse. “If...