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What’s the real problem: Net neutrality or Net capacity? Berin Szoka appears on Al Jazeera’s The Stream

February 28, 2014

Today, TF’s Berin Szoka was a guest on The Stream, Al Jazeera America’s Twitter-centric talk show. As the preview asked, “Why does your favorite cat video...

FCC Grasps for Expanded Powers with Net Neutrality Push: Berin Szoka in The Hill

February 25, 2014

As the FCC moves to institute new Net neutrality rules to replace its regulations thrown out by the D.C. Circuit Court, many are beginning to...

Misguided Opposition to Comcast-TWC Deal Shouldn’t Affect the Outcome

February 24, 2014

Earlier this month, Comcast announced it intends to buy Time Warner Cable for $45 billion. We pointed out that this deal wouldn’t harm competition and...

What A Proposed Cable Mega-Merger Might Mean For Consumers

February 19, 2014

Comcast is hoping to buy Time Warner Cable for $45 billion, but the deal must first be approved by regulators. Monday, TF’s Berin Szoka appeared...

FCC Chairman Proposes Yet Another Net Neutrality Rulemaking

February 19, 2014

Today, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler issued a public statement seeking comment on how best to respond to the D.C. Circuit decision last month striking down...

Real Problem Isn’t Net Neutrality, It’s Net Capacity

February 19, 2014

We’ve already seen four net neutrality controversies this year … and it’s still only February. There was speculation recently that broadband providers like Comcast and Verizon...