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TF in Wired: The Feds Lost on Net Neutrality, But Won Control of the Internet

January 16, 2014

After the DC Circuit Court struck down most of the FCC’s Open Internet Order, many have claimed the ruling was a loss for the agency,...

The NSA Raven: an update of Poe’s famous verse

December 11, 2013

In a refreshing break from our typical prose, TF’s Jon Henke critiques the NSA’s countless surveillance programs in a reworking of Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Raven” in...

Protecting Email Privacy is First Step to Ending Unconstitutional Mass Surveillance

December 11, 2013

With only one day left for the White House petition to reform ECPA, TF President Berin Szoka took to RedState to illustrate just how important this fight is in...

This November 5, the “V for Vendetta” surveillance state seems more real than ever

November 5, 2013

V for Vendetta depicted a world of total surveillance. Government agents roamed the streets in spy vans, listening in on everyone from average citizens to the...

Geoffrey Manne in RedState: How Free is the Wireless Spectrum Market?

October 18, 2013

With spectrum auctions set to begin early next year, TF’s Geoffrey Manne has a guest article in RedState examining the debate over how and whether...

How the FCC Will Lose on Net Neutrality

September 10, 2013

Today’s oral argument in the D.C Circuit over the FCC’s Net Neutrality rules suggests that the case — Verizon v. FCC — is likely to...