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House Passes Asteroid Mining Bill, Senate Must Fix It

May 21, 2015

WASHINGTON D.C. — Today, the House of Representatives passed legislation recognizing property rights in resources extracted from asteroids, and non-interference rights to asteroid mining operations....

Congress Should Fix Space Property Rights Bill

May 19, 2015

WASHINGTON D.C. — The House of Representatives is set to vote Thursday on legislation that would recognize space property rights for the first time under...

Space Property Rights, the Next Frontier in Bipartisan Legislation?

February 4, 2015

WASHINGTON D.C. — Yesterday, Reuters broke the news that the Federal Aviation Administration’s Office of Commercial Space (FAA/AST) had taken a first step toward approving...

It’s Time for Space Property Rights: Berin Szoka in SpaceNews

January 27, 2014

Recent years have seen tremendous growth in the private space industry, with companies like Orbital Sciences Corporation and SpaceX shipping supplies to the International Space Station. But...

How the U.S. Can Lead the Way to Extraterrestrial Land Deals

April 10, 2012

We strongly support private property rights in space. And we believe in the power of private enterprise and are convinced that only entrepreneurship can lower...

Dunstan to Remark at CEI’s Property Rights in Space Event

April 5, 2012

Today, the Competitive Enterprise Institute will host a livestreamed Capitol Hill briefing to introduce a new study by Adjunct Scholar Rand Simberg: Homesteading the Final...