Recent Posts

#161: Spying on the World

February 28, 2017

Innocent Americans don’t like getting spied on by their government. But should they care when their government spies on foreigners? Countries do this all the...

#147: Secret Law

December 16, 2016

When Snowden revealed classified information about NSA surveillance programs, Americans were outraged. But what might surprise many voters is that their elected representatives in Congress...

#133: Russian Hacking and Surveillance

October 21, 2016

Edward Snowden has been living in Russia for over three years under political asylum after leaking classified documents about American surveillance practices. Ironically, Russia’s policies...

#129: Surveillance on Arab-Americans

September 30, 2016

If you’ve ever gone through airport security, you’ve felt the effect of the 9/11 attacks. But for Arab-Americans, the impact is a lot more serious...

#126: Who Watches the Watchmen?

September 20, 2016

We know from the Snowden leaks that the NSA and other intelligence agencies are watching us. But who watches the watchers? Congress is responsible for...

#117: FBI Spying on Journalists

August 22, 2016

What happens when the FBI wants to spy on journalists? This summer, The Intercept obtained classified rules revealing a largely unrestrained procedure for obtaining journalists’ call information using national...