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There’s No Middle Ground on Title II

October 31, 2014

Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal reported that FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler is preparing a “hybrid” legal basis for new net neutrality rules: The FCC would...

Title II Isn’t the Answer on Net Neutrality

September 16, 2014

TechFreedom and ICLE Urge FCC to Maintain Bipartisan Consensus Against Title II In reply comments on the FCC’s proposed Internet rules, TechFreedom and the International...

The FCC’s Section 706 Power Grab is Dangerous, and Ignores Marketplace Realities

September 8, 2014

On Friday, TechFreedom filed comments on the FCC’s annual inquiry into whether broadband is being deployed in a “reasonable and timely” fashion under Section 706(b)...

FCC Shouldn’t Encourage Government-Run Broadband

September 2, 2014

It’s Up to Congress & States to Make Private Deployment Easier Don’t try to preempt state laws regulating deployment of government-owned broadband networks, urged TechFreedom...

Section 706 Would Harm Edge Companies, Not Just ISPs: Berin Szoka in Comm Daily

August 27, 2014

Net Neutrality advocates claim they want the FCC to micromanage the Internet to prevent Internet Service Providers (ISPs) from discriminating against their competitors’ content. Many...

Preemption is Double-Edged Sword, warns Pai Chief of Staff

August 20, 2014

If the FCC can preempt state laws that restrict cities from spending taxpayer dollars building government-owned broadband networks, it can use the same power to...