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TechFreedom Urges FTC Not to Expand COPPA by Changing Definitions

September 26, 2012

TechFreedom filed comments ( PDF ) on the second round of the FTC’s re-assessment of the rules implementing the Children’s Online Privacy Act (COPPA). The...

A TechFreedom Debate 9/28: Should the FTC Sue Google Over Search?

September 20, 2012

TechFreedom will host a parliamentary-style lunch debate on Friday, September 28, 2012, to discuss the FTC’s antitrust investigation of Google.  As the company has evolved,...

Net Neutrality Unconstitutional, Public Interest Groups Tell Appeals Court

July 24, 2012

On July 23, TechFreedom and the Competitive Enterprise Institute , along with the Free State Foundation and the Cato Institute , filed a brief amici...

Antitrust Groundhog Day, Starring Senator Kohl

May 24, 2012

Today, Geoffrey Manne , Executive Director of the International Center for Law & Economics, TechFreedom Senior Adjunct Fellow, and Lecturer in Law at Lewis &...

Szoka Cautions NTIA Privacy Multistakeholder Self-Regulatory Process

April 2, 2012

TechFreedom President Berin Szoka filed comments on the NTIA’s Multistakeholder Process to Develop Consumer Data Privacy Codes of Conduct . The following statement can be...

Blocking Verizon/SpectrumCo Deal Would Harm, not Help, Consumers

March 27, 2012

Yesterday, the International Center for Law and Economics and TechFreedom jointly filed comments [ pdf ] with the FCC on the Verizon SpectrumCo deal.  In...