Recent Posts

#74: The Role of Phone Companies in Surveillance

May 4, 2016

What role should telephone and other technology companies play in national security and surveillance? Who should be in charge of collecting and storing data about...

House Passes Crucial Email Privacy Bill, Senate Must Follow

April 27, 2016

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, the House of Representatives unanimously passed (419-0) the Email Privacy Act, which would finally require law enforcement to get a warrant...

#64: Encryption is a Global Issue

April 19, 2016

When the encryption debate is so often framed as “Apple v. FBI,” it’s easy to forget that digital security is a global issue. Nonetheless, how the United...

Senate Should Act Quickly on Email Privacy

April 13, 2016

Reform Battle Will Shift to Geolocation Privacy WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the House Judiciary Committee will take a major step toward protecting the privacy of...

#58: Banning Encryption

April 11, 2016

Last week, a pair of Senators introduced a bill that was overwhelmingly described by technology experts as “ludicrous, dangerous, and technically illiterate.” That’s because critics...

#57: Burner Phones and Terrorism

April 8, 2016

Pre-paid “burner” phones are often associated with the illegal world, whether it’s drug dealing, organized crime, or even terrorism. But for most consumers, they offer...