Recent Posts

#164: Blogging in Ethiopia

March 16, 2017

Blogging in the United States isn’t risk free. You might get deluged by trolls, or even receive death threats. But it’s nothing compared to what...

#161: Spying on the World

February 28, 2017

Innocent Americans don’t like getting spied on by their government. But should they care when their government spies on foreigners? Countries do this all the...

FCC Hits Pause on Broadband Privacy Order

February 24, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Media reports indicate that that the FCC will stay the Broadband Privacy Order voted on by the Commission in October — allowing...

#160: Privacy at the Border

February 22, 2017

What are the privacy rights of non-US citizens? The Trump Administration’s crackdown on immigration has dominated the headlines. But while most of the focus is...

#158: Who Owns Your Data?

February 14, 2017

Property rights in the US are rooted in the physical world — your house and your car are yours. But does this concept transfer to the...

New York Case Could Be Major Victory for Online Privacy

January 13, 2017

WASHINGTON, DC — New York’s attempted seizure of 381 Facebook users’ account information violates the Fourth Amendment, argues an amicus brief filed by TechFreedom, Access...