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PCWorld Covers Our LabMD Data Security Event

September 13, 2013

Yesterday, PCWorld published an article on our 9/12 data security event co-hosted with Cause of Action: …The FTC should back away from authority it says...

CNN Quotes Us on iPhone Fingerprint Scanners

September 11, 2013

… security experts largely see Touch ID as a positive step that could take society a step closer to eliminating much more hack-prone PINs and...

PCWorld Highlights TechFreedom at Privacy Conference

September 10, 2013

In a recap of today’s conference, “Big Data and Privacy: Making Ends Meet,” PCWorld featured comments by TechFreedom’s Berin Szoka: While many speakers at the...

Panel Announced for 9/12 Discussion of FTC’s LabMD & Wyndham Data Security Cases

September 6, 2013

Join TechFreedom and Cause of Action in DC, or online, for a luncheon discussion on September 12 about the Federal Trade Commission’s informal regulation of...

NRA v. NSA: Gun Rights = Privacy Rights

September 5, 2013

It would be absurd to think that the Congress would adopt and maintain a web of statutes intended to protect against the creation of a...

What to Do about Data Security? A Discussion of the FTC’s LabMD & Wyndham Cases

September 4, 2013

Over the last decade, the Federal Trade Commission has settled nearly four dozen cases alleging that a failure to have “reasonable” data security constitutes an...