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TechFreedom’s fight against mass surveillance mentioned in SC’s The State

December 20, 2013

South Carolina House Democratic Leader Rutherford, Republican State Representative Smith, and the head of the state’s ACLU recently co-authored an op-ed calling for an end...

Digital 4th Coalition Comments on ECPA White House Petition Surpassing 100,000 Signatures

December 13, 2013

The Digital 4th Coalition, of which TechFreedom is a proud member, reflects on the successful campaign to get the White House on the record on...

Petition to reform ECPA passes 100,000 signatures, requiring the White House to respond

December 12, 2013

The We the People petition to reform ECPA and end warrantless email searches just received its 100,000th signature! In addition to being a stunning demonstration...

The NSA Raven: an update of Poe’s famous verse

December 11, 2013

In a refreshing break from our typical prose, TF’s Jon Henke critiques the NSA’s countless surveillance programs in a reworking of Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Raven” in...

Protecting Email Privacy is First Step to Ending Unconstitutional Mass Surveillance

December 11, 2013

With only one day left for the White House petition to reform ECPA, TF President Berin Szoka took to RedState to illustrate just how important this fight is in...

Slashdot Interviews TF’s Berin Szoka About Online Privacy

December 6, 2013

Yesterday, TF President Berin Szoka appeared on to take questions about ECPA and other government policies that impact users’ online privacy. The lively conversation...