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Obama Escalates Crackdown on the Open Internet

February 27, 2015

Today, the Obama Administration proposed new legislation to dictate how American companies use data to provide services. “Yesterday, many in Silicon Valley cheered the FCC’s...

Coalition to California: Protect Online Privacy

February 9, 2015

What did the Internet look like in 1986? Maybe a tough question. But we can safely assume that it looked nothing like it does today....

Maureen Ohlhausen Objects to FTC’s Internet of Things Report

January 27, 2015

Commissioner Ohlhausen voted to approve issuance of the staff report, but objected to the report’s call for new baseline privacy legislation: I do not support...

Serious Cost-Benefit Analysis on Privacy

January 26, 2015

Cost-benefit analysis is supposed to be at the heart of the FTC’s unfairness powers. But the FTC doesn’t really bother with CBA in privacy cases,...

How Long Should Americans Wait for Clarity on Digital Privacy?

January 14, 2015

President Obama doesn’t want to talk about surveillance—and is once again trying to change the subject to regulating the companies that have made the Internet...

Congress Should Lead the Way on #NSAOversight

December 18, 2014

Congress is charged with authorizing, funding, and overseeing intelligence programs, including mass surveillance by the NSA. In recent years, however, the House of Representatives hasn’t...