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Apple Defends Encryption Against Court Order

February 17, 2016

WASHINGTON D.C. —­­ Today, Apple refused to comply with a federal judge’s order to unlock the iPhone of Syed Rizwan Farook, one of the San...

FCC Privacy Regulation Should Follow FTC’s Consumer Protection Standards

February 11, 2016

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, a broad coalition of tech companies and trade associations, including broadband providers as well as edge and device companies, urged Federal...

#19: Europocrisy: EU Privacy Hypocrisy with Stewart Baker

February 9, 2016

On surveillance, is Europe unfairly picking on the United States? The Snowden leaks focused outrage on the NSA, but some experts say that the European...

#15: Email Privacy

February 3, 2016

How private are your emails? The answer may surprise you, as the law that governs much of our electronic privacy was written in 1986! It’s...

Senate Passes Judicial Redress Rights for Europeans, but Plays Hardball on Safe Harbor

January 28, 2016

WASHINGTON D.C. —  Today, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted 19-1 to extend redress rights to certain European citizens so they can enforce their data protection...

#8: Privacy Reform — or Digital Trade War?

January 22, 2016

Since Snowden’s revelations about US surveillance in 2013, not much has changed — at least, for Europeans. Europeans are rightly outraged. Late last year, Europe’s...