Recent Posts

#49: Apple v FBI- On Hold… For Now

March 24, 2016

Apple’s battle with the FBI in California is on hold for now, but the battle is far from over. This week, a federal magistrate postponed...

#42: Broadband Privacy

March 14, 2016

The FCC is set to issue new regulations on how Internet access providers collect and use consumer data. On Thursday, March 11, the agency released...

#37: Social Media and Terrorism

March 7, 2016

ISIS and other terrorist groups are using social media to recruit members to their causes. Tech companies like Twitter and Facebook are working to take...

#32: McCaul Encryption Comission

February 29, 2016

While Apple’s recent refusal to comply with the FBI’s demand to unlock the iPhone of a San Bernardino attacker may have pushed privacy and encryption...

Bipartisan Digital Security Commission Is Only Way to Avoid PATRIOT-Style Legislative Panic

February 29, 2016

WASHINGTON D.C. —­­ Today, Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) and Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) introduced legislation to create a blue ribbon commission that would examine the...

#24: Apple v FBI: Unlocking the iPhone

February 17, 2016

Apple made headlines today by refusing to comply with a federal judge’s order to unlock the iPhone of Syed Rizwan Farook, one of the San...