Recent Posts
#165: Regulating the Universe
Who’s in charge of the universe? “Innovative space activities” like asteroid mining and private missions to Mars raise key questions for countries and their regulators....
#164: Blogging in Ethiopia
Blogging in the United States isn’t risk free. You might get deluged by trolls, or even receive death threats. But it’s nothing compared to what...
#163: Online Sales Tax
Big-box retailers have long griped that untaxed online sales put them at a competitive disadvantage. Congress is exploring legislation to “level the playing field,” but...
#162: Should Government Pay for Broadband?
Should the government pay for broadband? In his joint address to Congress, President Trump laid out plans to spend a lot of taxpayer money on...
#161: Spying on the World
Innocent Americans don’t like getting spied on by their government. But should they care when their government spies on foreigners? Countries do this all the...
#160: Privacy at the Border
What are the privacy rights of non-US citizens? The Trump Administration’s crackdown on immigration has dominated the headlines. But while most of the focus is...