Recent Posts
#30: “Net Neutrality” (Ahem, Title II) Progress Report
This time last year, the FCC voted 3-2 to reclassify broadband under Title II of the 1934 Communications Act, utility rules designed for railroads and...
#29: Bitcoin is Unleashing Economies
Bitcoin, a once-geeky novelty, has grown into a legitimate currency that disrupts financial markets — especially in the developing world. Bitcoin can be an alternative...
#28: Space Law (Part 2) Property Rights in Space
Can you own part of space? Or stuff you find there? In Part II of our Space Law series, TF Adjunct Fellow Jim Dunstan and...
#27: Connecting the Rez: Broadband on Tribal Lands
While the US has enjoyed well over $1 trillion in broadband investment since the mid-90s, connecting Native American reservations to the Internet has proven difficult....
#26: Scalia & Net Neutrality: Law and Politics
Justice Scalia’s death sparked a flurry of speculation about who will replace him. Sri Srinivasan tops most lists of potential successors. But he’s also one...
#25: Drones & Humanitarianism
Media coverage of drones often focuses on near-misses with airplanes or bombings in the Middle East. But there’s another side to drones that doesn’t get...